Patterns NOT In Any CLUB SET

This Category is patterns that were not included in any of the monthly Masters or Artisan Club Sets

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Clover Border 2
Price: $10.00
Cobblestone or Brick E2E
Price: $15.00
Compass blk 2121 feather fountain
Price: $10.00
compass blk 2122 feather fountain with bite
Price: $10.00
Compass blk 2126 feathers curls w bite
Price: $10.00
Compass blk 2127 feathers curls no inner circle
Price: $10.00
Compass blk 2128 feathers curls
Price: $10.00
Compass blk half circle 2121
Price: $10.00
Compass Border Part 1 & 2
Price: $10.00
Compass full circle 2121
Price: $10.00
concentric circle 10 half inch
Price: $10.00
Concentric Circle 11 Half Inch
Price: $10.00
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